Webhook Setup

WebHook Setup

Users have the option to set up a webhook in collections and workflows in order to allow for better control over the activities carried out on the system.

To set up a webhook for either a collection or workflow; on the sidebar menu, navigate to Webhooks >> Configuration.

You can set separate webhook URLs for your Test and Live environments.


Network Downtime Handling

If this is enabled, when a realtime verification fails due to a third party provider being unavailable, your request will be retried when the third party provider is back in operation and the verification response will be sent to the webhook URL provided.

Support Email

This is the email address to be contact if your webhook endpoint is unreachable after attempting to send a webhook payload with 5 retries.

Webhook Secret Key

QoreID hashes your webhook payload using SHA512 and your provided webhook secret and adds it to the header x-verifyme-signature as a signature with which you can validate your webhook payload.

The following shows an example webhook validation script.
const crypto = require('crypto');
    const WEBHOOK_SECRET = 'your_webhook_secret';
    function validateWebhookPayload(signature, payloadBody) {
        let hash = crypto.createHmac('sha512', WEBHOOK_SECRET);
        hash = hash.update(JSON.stringify(payloadBody)).digest('hex');
        return crypto.timingSafeEqual(Buffer.from(hash), Buffer.from(signature));
    // A sample webhook coming from QoreID
    const WEBHOOK_PAYLOAD = 
        event: 'address',
        event_type: 'verification_completed',
        summary: {address_check: 'verified'},
        status: {
          status: 'verified',
          state: 'complete'
      	address: {
    // QoreID hashes your webhook payload and adds it to the request header
    const signature = request.headers['x-verifyme-signature'];

    const isValidPayload = validateWebhookPayload(signature, WEBHOOK_PAYLOAD);
using System.Security.Cryptography;

       private string ToHexString(byte[] bytes)
           var builder = new StringBuilder(bytes.Length * 2);
           foreach (var b in bytes)
               builder.AppendFormat("{0:x2}", b);

           return builder.ToString();

      private bool validateWebhookPayload(string body, string signature , string webhookSecret)

           var secretBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(webhookSecret);
           var payloadBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(body);
           var hmac = new HMACSHA512(secretBytes);
           var generatedHmacHashBytes = hmac.ComputeHash(payloadBytes);

           return ToHexString(generatedHmacHashBytes) == signature;
    // QoreID hashes your webhook payload and adds it to the request header
    var signature = request.Headers['X-Verifyme-Signature'];
    var payload = request.Body // webhook payload
    var webhoookSecret = "your_webhook_secret"

    var isValidPayload = validateWebhookPayload(payload, signature, webhoookSecret);

What’s Next

Proceed to your QoreID dashboard to begin setting up your collections and workflows webhooks