Usage Overview

Import QoreID SDK

 import QoreIDSDK

Launch QoreID SDK via QoreIDSdk Object

To Launch the application, it's important to have your application embedded in a navigation controller. The SDK can be initiated within your view controller, and you'll need to provide the view controller as a parameter.

 QoreIdSdk.shared.launch(param: param, vc: self) { result in

Receiving Results from the SDK

The QoreID SDK returns result which is a QoreIDResult class as a closure, the result may either be an error or a success.

 QoreIdSdk.shared.launch(param: param, vc: self) { [weak self] result in
            self?.onQoreIdResultReceived(result: result)
 func onQoreIdResultReceived(result: QoreIDResult?) {
        if let result = result {
            print("---> QoreIDResult:")
            print("---> \(result)")

            if let errorResult = result as? ErrorResult {
                // Handle error
                print("error from sdk: \(errorResult.message)")
            } else if let successResult = result as? SuccessResult {
                // Handle success
                if let message = successResult.message {
                    print("success from sdk: \(message)")



To integrate the SDK into an Objective-C project, you can create a view controller in swift. Launch the SDK within the view controller, and initialize the view controller created in swift from your Objective-C view controller or code. Make sure to configure your Objective-C project correctly to enable the use of a view controller created in swift.

For additional guidance on how to use our iOS SDK, please refer to our Objective C Sample Project and Swift Sample Project.